About the Ready for 100 Tulsa Campaign
The Ready for 100 Tulsa Campaign is a part of a nationwide movement to convince cities, counties, and states to pursue the following energy goals.
- All electricity will be generated from clean renewable energy by 2035;
- All energy will be provided by clean renewable sources by 2050;
- Energy Users will achieve maximum energy efficiency as soon as possible; and
- The transition to 100% clean renewable energy and maximum energy efficiency will be accomplished in ways that promote Energy and Environmental Justice.
Ready for 100 Tulsa’s Action Plan
The RF100 Tulsa Campaign has a very ambitious action plan centered on Enlisting Tulsa Residents Like You to join a diverse and intergenerational Family of Climate Tamers who will advocate for Tulsa achieving a rapid and just transition to a thriving clean renewable energy future. We need you to Join RF100 Tulsa’s Climate Taming Family because the just and clean renewable energy future Tulsa needs will not soon arrive unless we successfully:
- Petition the City of Tulsa to use all its governmental powers to help bring about that future as soon as possible;
- Help Tulsa residents, businesses, and other organizations become more energy efficient, transition to clean renewable means of transportation, and perhaps install rooftop solar generating facilities on their homes and buildings;
- Support Indian Nations’ energy sovereignty initiatives;
- Support Public Service Company’s efforts to become a 100% clean renewable electricity provider; and
- Advocate for Energy and Environmental Justice
Motivating Factors

The clean renewable energy and energy conservation sectors are achieving rapid technological improvements and cost reductions.
Climate Change Mitigation

The Earth will become increasingly inhospitable to life if the Global Average Temperature rises 1.5o C above pre-Industrial averages.
Economic Benefits

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Community Health Benefits

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Environmental Justice

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Clean Renewable Energy Sources

The costs of producing electricity by solar power are falling so rapidly that solar-generated electricity already competes favorably with electricity generated by natural gas and is cheaper than electricity generated by coal and nuclear power. Oklahoma has the nation’s seventh best solar resources, so it could be one of the nation’s leading producers of solar energy. Unfortunately, due to hostile laws, regulations, and policies, Oklahoma ranks in the bottom five states in terms of solar production.
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The costs of producing electricity by wind power are falling so rapidly that wind-generated electricity already competes favorably with electricity generated by natural gas and is cheaper than electricity generated by coal and nuclear power. Oklahoma has the nation’s 11th best wind resources, so it should be one of the nation’s leading producers of wind energy. Currently, Oklahoma ranks third in installed wind capacity, but it could rank even higher if not for recent state legal and regulatory setbacks.
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Advanced Battery Technology

Electric grids need to have electricity-providing sources that can quickly increase or decrease electricity production as electricity produced from solar and wind sources decrease or increase. Currently, natural gas turbines mostly provide this backup function. However, Advanced Batteries may soon begin displacing natural gas turbines as the backup technology of choice due to their projected declining costs and improved performance.
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In a recent report, the International Energy Agency found that “clean hydrogen is currently enjoying unprecedented political and business momentum, with the number of policies and projects around the world expanding rapidly.” The report “concludes that now is the time to scale up technologies and bring down costs to allow hydrogen to become widely used. Hydrogen offers ways to decarbonise a range of sectors – including long-haul transport, chemicals, and iron and steel – where it is proving difficult to meaningfully reduce emissions. It can also help improve air quality and strengthen energy security.”
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The term clean renewable energy has been applied to energy derived from a variety of other “natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished”. These other sources include hydropower, geothermal, biomass, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), and tidal (wave). Due to their limited growth potential or negative environmental impacts, many climate change mitigation advocates do not believe these other sources should be given a high priority.
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Core Elements
should include the following core elements:

State-of-the-art energy efficiency technologies and practices must be used to reduce energy consumption to its lowest possible level.
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Electricity must replace liquids, gases, and solids as the source of energy
needed for mobility, residential, commercial, governmental, organizational, and industrial uses.
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The electricity generating sector must quickly transition from using
carbon-based energy sources to using clean renewable energy sources (wind, solar,
hydro, advanced battery technology, etc.).
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All Tulsa residents must be provided affordable energy efficiency options, affordable clean renewable energy for their energy needs, and equal access to job opportunities within the energy conservation and green energy sectors.
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The City of Tulsa must work with its business, education, and civic partners to maximize the local production of clean renewable energy and the
number of local energy conservation and green energy jobs.
Stay Tuned...
Contact Us
Biographical & Contact Information for RF100 Tulsa Campaign Co-Organizers
Gary Allison
Gary Allison is Professor Emeritus and
former Director of the Sustainable
Energy & Resources Law Program at
The University of Tulsa College of Law,
where he taught Constitutional,
Energy, Environmental, and Water
Law. Gary’s main concern is Climate
Change Mitigation.
Email: garf100tulsaaction@gmail.com
Phone: 918-292-9882
Nancy Moran
Nancy Moran has been a registered nurse
for more than 25 years. She has a masters degree in integrative health and wellness from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey. A Fellow of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, Nancy’s main concern is Environmental Justice.
Email: nursecoachnancy@gmail.com
Phone: 918-857-1206